Help & Feedback
The menu in which you access the keyboard wiki, Discord server, Zulip chat, GitHub Issue tracker, and support email.
Version Name
You can see the version name at the top of the menu.
Version Code
You can also see the version code at the top of the menu.
Developer Settings
You can activate Developer Settings by clicking on the Version Code eight times.
Documentation Portal
You can access the FUTO Keyboard Documentation Portal to familiarize yourself with every aspect of the keyboard, how to submit a good bug report or feature request, and the present and future trajectory of the keyboard, by clicking on Documentation portal (coming soon).
Discord Server
You can access the FUTO Discord Server, in which you can chat with a community of users about bug fixes, feature requests, beta testing, and other topics, by clicking on Discord Server.
Zulip Chat
You can access the FUTO Zulip Chat, in which you can chat with a community of users about a variety of topics regarding all of FUTO’s apps, by clicking FUTO Chat.
GitHub Issue Tracker
You can access the FUTO GitHub Issue Tracker, in which you can submit bug reports and feature requests, by clicking Public issue tracker.
User Support
You can email us with private feedback or requests for help at [email protected] by clicking on Email [email protected].