Currently Supported Actions
Actions are shortcuts to specific features of the keyboard, each with a corresponding icon for easy access. The actions currently supported are the following:
Accesses the emoji selection menu.
Voice Input
Accesses voice-to-text.
Language Switch Key
Switches languages (by tapping) or opens language switch menu (by long-pressing). to the next language, you can long-press it to open the language switch menu.
Text Editor
Accesses the Text Editor.
Clipboard Manager
Accesses the Clipboard Manager.
Paste from Clipboard
Pastes text to the clipboard (sends CTRL+V command).
Cut to Clipboard
Cuts text into your clipboard (sends CTRL+X command).
Copy to Clipboard
Copies text into your clipboard (sends CTRL+C command).
Theme Switcher
Switches themes.
Keyboard Modes
Accesses the keyboard mode selection menu (Standard, One Hand, Split, or Float).
Select All
Selects all text input (sends CTRL+A command).
Undoes last text input (sends CTRL+Z command).
Redoes last text input (sends CTRL+Y command).
Arrow Up
Moves the cursor up.
Arrow Down
Moves the cursor down.
Arrow Left
Moves the cursor left.
Arrow Right
Moves the cursor right.
Debug Info
Shows info that helps resolve bugs (Editor Info, Keyboard State, Screen State Info, and Memory Use).
Accesses the settings menu.